Data Deletion Policy & Request Form

Confinity is dedicated to protecting your data privacy. This form allows you to request the deletion of your personal data or to act on behalf of another individual under specific legal circumstances.

Who Can Submit a Request?
  • Data Subjects: Users submitting a request for their own data.

  • Authorized Representatives: Individuals submitting on behalf of others, with verifiable legal authority.

Instructions for Data Subjects
  • Verify Identity: Submit proof of identity with at least two documents (e.g., utility bill, passport).

  • Submit: Use our online form.

Instructions for Authorized Representatives

  • Provide Details: Complete the form with your information and that of the data subject.

  • Proof of Authority: Attach documents proving your legal authority to act on behalf of the data subject (e.g., power of attorney, legal guardianship papers).

  • Submit: email us at

Data Subject Information Request
  • Full Name:

  • Address:

  • Email Address:

  • Telephone Number:

  • Proof of Identity

To verify your identity, provide:

  • Date of Birth:

  • Address (if different from above):

  • Copy of a recent utility bill:

  • Copy of a valid passport:

  • Copy of a valid driving license:

Select the Nature of your Request:

☐ Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) – Access to personal data

☐ Data Subject Erasure Request (DSER) – Deletion of personal data

☐ Data Subject Request for Rectification (DSRR) – Correction of inaccurate data

☐ Restriction of Processing – Suspend processing of personal data

☐ Objection to Processing – Object to specific processing activities

☐ Data Portability Request – Transfer data to another organization

☐ Complaint – About data processing or handling

Description of Request

Provide a detailed description of your request:

Requests on Behalf of Another Individual

Full Name of the Data Subject:

Your Relationship to the Data Subject:

Legal Authority (e.g., power of attorney, legal guardian):

Proof of Legal Authority:

Submission Instructions

Submit this form and proof of identity through our online form here:


For assistance, contact us.